1-Day Workshop

Practice as a team lead
in resolving various team problems in workplace
Leadership roles as a strong leader
Foresee challenging issues as a new team lead
Prioritise and allocate appropriate resources in solving team problems
Understand possible impacts and consequence of decisions
and actions made
Learn to balance between results
and relationship in managing team
Learn how to model an effective leadership
Decision-Making as a Team Leader​
This simulation aims to enhance participants' understanding of impact of their decisions and actions to team performance. To be an effective team leader, one of the development approaches is to learn how to deal with challenges at work.
Nowadays, business leaders face a lot of frictions or situations which call for personal leadership in handling with those. With limited resources such as time and resources, leaders may not be able to
choose the best solution for every problem. Prioritizing will play an important role which encourage leaders to realize and decide to allocate their resources to which problems.